Disclaimer & Terms of Use

1.    Introduction

This web site, www.WorldTradeLaw.net, is owned and operated by WorldTradeLaw.net LLC.    The web site is designed to provide general information on world trade law.  The entire web site consists of two parts:  1) a secured directory which covers our subscription service,  The Dispute Settlement Commentary Service, and 2) the remainder of the web site, which is publicly accessible, and which includes, inter alia, news article links, various topical collections of links, and tables with links to international trade agreements and cases. 

Use of this site is subject to the terms and conditions set forth below.  By accessing, browsing and/or using this web site, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by these terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.  If you do not agree with any of these terms, do not use this site.

2. General Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

This web site contains information that is intended for general guidance only.  The application and impact of laws can vary widely depending upon the specific facts involved.  Given the changing nature of laws, rules and regulations, and the inherent hazards of electronic communication, there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in information contained in this web site.  Accordingly the information on this web site is provided with the understanding that the authors and publishers are not herein engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice and services.  This web site should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional legal or other competent advisers.

WorldTradeLaw.net LLC is committed to providing our users and subscribers with timely and accurate information.  While we have made every attempt to ensure the reliability of information contained in this web site, all information should be independently verified before being relied upon.  WorldTradeLaw.net LLC does not assume responsibility for any error, omission, or inaccuracy of law or fact in the information or documents presented, prepared or contained on this web site.  The web site and information provided on, from or through the web site is provided "as is," "as available," and we make no warranties, express or implied, as to the merchantability, fitness for a particular use or purpose, title, non-infringement or any other warranty, condition, guaranty, or representation, whether oral, in writing or in electronic form, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained therein or provided by or through the web site.  WorldTradeLaw.net LLC shall not be responsible for any damages stemming from the use or inability to use information on the web site, and in any case shall not be responsible for consequential damages or lost profits.  For users in states or countries which do not permit exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, the above limitations or exclusions may not apply.  In such states or countries, the liability of WorldTradeLaw.net LLC and its third party content providers shall be limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.

Certain links in this web site connect to other web sites maintained by third parties over whom WorldTradeLaw.net LLC has no control.  We make no representations as to the accuracy or any other aspect of information contained in other web sites and WorldTradeLaw.net LLC disclaims any liability as to the content of any linked sites.  These links are provided solely as a convenience and do not constitute an endorsement of the contents of the linked sites.

The law firms and companies included or described on the web site are not associated or affiliated with WorldTradeLaw.net LLC.  We do not certify or endorse any such law firm or company, nor do the law firms and companies endorse the information provided on this web site.

You hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any information or content on this web site shall be at your sole risk.  WorldTradeLaw.net LLC makes no representation that materials on the web site are appropriate or available for use in all geographic locations, including those outside the United States, and accessing them from territories where contents contained on this site are illegal.  Those who choose to access this web site do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable laws.

WorldTradeLaw.net LLC does not warrant that use of the web site will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected.  You are responsible for taking all precautions necessary to ensure that any content you may obtain from the web site is free of viruses, worms or trojan horses.

 3.  No Endorsement or Legal Advice Provided; No Attorney-Client Relationship Created

The information provided in the free content of the web site and through the Dispute Settlement Commentary subscription service is made available for general information purposes and intended solely as informal guidance; it is not a determination of your legal rights, nor your responsibilities under the law.  While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this web site has been obtained from reliable sources, WorldTradeLaw.net LLC does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made on or through the web site (including those contained in the discussion forum, linked web sites, articles or other materials).  The information should not be relied upon for legal advice.  WorldTradeLaw.net LLC is not engaged in the practice of law.  Nothing contained in, transmitted through, or received from this web site shall create an attorney-client relationship.

4.  DSC Blog/User Conduct

The WorldTradeLaw.net DSC blog is intended for use solely by subscribers interested in the topics covered by the blog.  We reserve the right to delete or modify irrelevant postings or postings that contradict our policies or these Terms of Use.  WorldTradeLaw.net LLC makes no representation or warranty with respect to any blog content and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, integrity, quality, completeness, usefulness or value of any such content, data, documents, graphics, images, information, advice, or opinion contained in a posted message.  You should not rely on any posting or information without independent verification.

You understand that WorldTradeLaw.net LLC reserves the right to monitor discussion on the DSC Blog.  Use of the web site constitutes consent to such monitoring.

5.  License Grant

Access to WorldTradeLaw.net LLC's Dispute Settlement Commentary is pursuant to an annual subscription. Access to the Dispute Settlement Commentary portion of the site is restricted to current paid subscribers.  All others are prohibited from accessing the subscriber-only portions of the web site.  Users that have paid an appropriate subscription fee are entitled to (a) use the subscriber tools and browse and search the content included in the subscriber are; (b) download and temporarily store an insubstantial portion of the site that results from browsing or searching the various tables and documents available, in order to (i) display the content; (ii) to quote or excerpt from the content or (iii) to print or make photo or electronic copies.   No other rights in and to the material on the web site are granted to subscribers.  Users may establish, through hypertext or other computer links, a link to the non-subscriber accessible portion of the web site.  Paid subscribers may establish links to the subscriber accessible portion of the site.

Disclosing sufficient information to any non-subscriber to access the subscriber-only portions of the web site is expressly prohibited and a violation of WorldTradeLaw.net LLC's proprietary rights in the materials accessible therein.  Providing non-subscribers a password enabling access to the subscriber-only accessible portion of the web site is expressly prohibited and a violation of WorldTradeLaw.net LLC's proprietary rights in the information accessible therein.

6.  Copyrights

This web site contains material which is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of WorldTradeLaw.net LLC, except as expressly provided herein.  Reproduction, republishing, displaying, performing, distributing, modifying, transmitting, reusing, re-positing, or using the copyrighted content of the web site for public or commercial purposes, including, without limitation, the text, images, audio and/or video, without the express written permission of WorldTradeLaw.net LLC, is prohibited.  The Subscriber shall not, without the written permission of WorldTradeLaw.net (a) copy all or part of the Content; (b) publish, sell, lease, rent, license, sub-license, transfer, market, distribute, redistribute, make available or otherwise part with all or part of the Subscriber Area in any manner or in any form; (c) copy, modify, alter, or translate, all or any part of the Subscriber Area; (d) use all or part of the Subscriber Area to develop any derivative wroks; (e) remove, obscure or alter WorldTradeLaw.net's copyright notice or other legal or proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within the Subscriber Area; (f) access, facilitate access to, alter, or remove object or source code of the Site.

7. Access to Secure Directory

WorldTradeLaw.net LLC reserves the right to terminate access to the subscriber-only accessible portion of the site at will.  As a result of any such termination, the terminated subscriber shall have as sole recourse a refund of the unused subscription price, less a processing charge of US$50.  WorldTradeLaw.net LLC reserves, and does not waive, its right to enforce its proprietary rights against any such terminated subscriber.  WorldTradeLaw.net LLC shall have the right to offset any unused subscription against any damages incurred by WorldTradeLaw.net LLC from the terminated subscriber's actions.

8.  Choice of Law

This Agreement shall be treated as though it were executed and performed in Falls Church, Virginia, and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States of America and the state of Virginia.  The content of this web site shall be deemed to be provided in the state of Virginia of the United States of America.  You hereby agree and expressly submit to the personal jurisdiction and venue of the courts of the state of Virginia and consent to extra-territorial service of process.

9.  Integration; Severability; General

This agreement constitutes, along with any other agreements, other than WorldTradeLaw.net LLC's privacy policy, constitutes the entire understanding between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof.  In the event any provision of this Agreement conflicts with any provisions of any other agreement between the parties hereto, the provisions of this Agreement shall control.  This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by way of writing and then only when signed by a duly authorized representative of the party against whom enforcement thereof is sought.  This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective successors, heirs and assigns of the parties hereto.  In the event of the user's unauthorized use of the content of the web site, WorldTradeLaw.net LLC shall not have an adequate remedy at law, and thus, in addition to all other available remedies, WorldTradeLaw.net LLC shall be entitled to immediate injunctive relief, associated costs and attorneys' fees.

Any provision of this Agreement which is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall be severable in that jurisdiction without in any way invalidating the remaining provisions of this Agreement.  The unenforceability of any provision in a given jurisdiction shall not make that provision unenforceable in any other jurisdiction.

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The persons responsible for maintaining this website are Simon Lester and Kara Leitner.  They may be contacted at WorldTradeLaw.net LLC, 308 Kent Street, Falls Church, VA, USA; by phone at 202-215-5990; by e-mail at info@worldtradelaw.net; or through this contact form.