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Journal Articles, Papers and Book Chapters on Trade Law

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List of Authors

Dukgeun Ahn  |  Amin Alavi  |  William Alford  |  James Bacchus  |  Claude Barfield  |  Lorand Bartels
 Marc Benitah   |  Tomer Broude  | Steve Charnovitz
|  Juscelino Colares |  Youri Devuyst  |  Daniel Drache  |  Jeff Dunoff
Jim Durling   |  Mary Footer  |  Henry Gao  |  Kevin R. Gray  |  Rachel Harris  |  Robert Howse  |  Robert Hudec
John Jackson  |  Norio Komuro  |   Simon Lacey  |  Simon Lester  |  C. L. Lim  |  Nicolas Lockhart
Patrick Macrory  |  John Magnus  |  Stuart Malawer  |  Mitsuo Matsushita  |  Petros Mavroidis
Bryan Mercurio  |  Andrew Mitchell  |   Gillian Moon  |  Victor Mosoti  |  Joost Pauwelyn  |  Oren Perez

 Fernando Piérola  |  Julia Qin  |  Gregory Shaffer  |  Fiona Smith  |  Joel Trachtman
Peter Van den Bossche  |  Tania Voon  |  Robert Wolfe  |  Gudrun Zagel  |  Thomas Zimmermann



Dukgeun Ahn


Title Citation
Restructuring the WTO Safeguard System The WTO Trade Remedy System: East Asian Perspective (Mitsuo Matsushita, Dukgeun Ahn and Tain-Jy Chen, eds.) (London, Cameron May Publishers, 2006) at 11-31

WTO Disciplines under the IMF Program: Congruence of Conflict?

WTO and East Asia: New Perspectives (Mitsuo Matsushita and Dukgeun Ahn, eds.) (London, Cameron May Publishers, 2004) at 25-38




Amin Alavi


Title Citation

African Countries and the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Mechanism

Development Policy Review, 2007, 25 (1): 25-42




William Alford


Title Citation

The North American Free Trade Agreement and the Need for Candor

24 Harv. Int'l L. J. 293 (1993)




James Bacchus


Title Citation
The Quest for the Meaning of And/Or
Expanded from remarks made at the annual luncheon of the
Advisory Centre on WTO Law in Bellevue, Switzerland, on June 1, 2005
Open Doors for Open Trade:
Shining Light on WTO Dispute Settlement
Remarks to the National Foreign Trade Council
Mayflower Hotel, Washington D.C.
January 29, 2004
Lone Star:
The Historic Role of the WTO
Keynote address to the
Symposium on “Globalization and the Judiciary”
at the University of Texas School of Law
Austin, Texas
September 5, 2003
Thoreau's Pencil: Sharpening Our Understanding of World Trade 30 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 911 (2003) 

Groping Toward Grotius:
The WTO and the International Rule of Law

Address at Harvard Law School, October 1, 2002,
published in 44 Harv. Int'l L. J., Number 2 (2003)

The Strange Death of Sir Francis Bacon:
The Dos and Don’ts of Appellate Advocacy in the WTO
Drawn from an address at The Barber-Surgeons Hall,
Monkwell Square, London, June 20, 2003
An Education in 404 Pages This essay first appeared, in slightly different form,
in Vanderbilt Magazine (Spring, 2003)
Lecky’s Circle:
Thoughts from the Frontier of International Law
Address to the
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies,
University of London
April 10, 2003

“Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda”:
The Consolations of WTO Dispute Settlement

Address to the International Bar Association,
Geneva, Switzerland, March 20, 2003

The Appeals of Trade: The Making of an Old GATT Hand Address to the International Trade Law Conference
of the ABA, Georgetown University Law School,
January 31, 2003
The Bicycle Club:
Affirming the American Interest
in the Future of the WTO
Address to the Washington International Trade Association,
Washington, D.C.
November 12, 2002

Table Talk:
Around the Table of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization

35 Vand. J. Trans. L. 1021 (2002)




Claude Barfield


Title Citation
Free Trade, Sovereignty, Democracy:
The Future of the World Trade Organization

Chapter 1 - Introduction: Issues, Themes and Recommendations

Chapter 4 - Emerging Constitutional Problems and Substantive Deficiencies

Chapter 6 - Whose WTO Is It? Democratic Governments versus Stakeholders

Chapter 7 - Proposals for Reform and Reasons for Retaining the Status Quo

American Enterprise Institute (2001)
(Used with the permission of the American Enterprise Institute)




Lorand Bartels


Title Citation
Social Issues: Labour, Environment and Human Rights Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements: Commentary, Analysis and Case Studies (Simon Lester and Bryan Mercurio, eds.) (Cambridge Press, forthcoming)
The Appellate Body Report in European Communities – Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing Countries, WT/DS246/AB/R and its Implications for Conditionality in GSP Programs Linking Trade and Human Rights: Framework and Case Studies (Bürgi, Pauwelyn and Cottier, eds.) (forthcoming)




Marc Benitah


Title Citation
U.S. Agricultural Export Credits after the WTO Cotton Ruling:
The Law of Unintended Consequences
Estey Journal of International Law and Trade Policy,
Volume 6, Number 2, 2005, pp.107-114




Tomer Broude


Title Citation
Principles of Normative Integration and the Allocation of International Authority:
The WTO, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, and the Rio Declaration
International Law Forum of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem Law Faculty,
Research Paper No. 07-08
August 2008
Conflict and Complementarity in Trade, Cultural Diversity and Intellectual Property Rights International Law Forum of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem Law Faculty,
Research Paper No. 11-07
July 2007
The WTO/GATS Mode 4, International Labour Migration Regimes and Global Justice International Law Forum of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem Law Faculty,
Research Paper No. 7-07
May 2007
Genetically Modified Rules: The Awkward Rule-Exception-Right Distinction in EC - Biotech International Law Forum of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem Law Faculty,
Research Paper No. 14-06
December 2006
"Judges Shalt Thou Make Thee in All Thy Gates": Reforming Judicial Office in the WTO Dispute Settlement System University of Toronto
Faculty of Law
Law and Economics Research Paper No. 02-06
The Rule(s) of Trade and the Rhetos of Development: Reflections on the Functional and Aspirational Legitimacy of the WTO International Law Forum of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem Law Faculty,
Research Paper No. 1-06
May 2006




Steve Charnovitz


Title Citation
The World Trade Organization in 2020 Journal of International Law and International Relations
Volume 1, Issues 1-2 (December 2005)
Trade and Climate: Potential Conflicts and Synergies Pew Center on Global Climate Change - 
Beyond Kyoto: Advancing the International Effort Against Climate Change
Judicial Independence in the World Trade Organization International Organizations and International Dispute Settlement: Trends and Prospects (Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Cesare Romano, and Ruth Mackenzie, eds.) (Transnational Publishers, 2002) at 219-240
The WTO's Problematic "Last Resort" Against Non-Compliance This paper is based on an article originally written for and published in Aussenwirtschaft, December 2002.  The date of this revision is 14 August 2003.
WTO Cosmopolitics 34 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 299 (2002)
Triangulating the World Trade Organization 96 AJIL 28 (2002)
Rethinking WTO Trade Sanctions 95 AJIL 792 (2001)
The WTO and the Rights of the Individual
(Spanish version: La OMC y los Derechos del Individuo)
36 Intereconomics 98 (2001)

Opening the WTO to Non-Governmental Interests

24 Fordham Int'l L.J. 173 (2000)
The Moral Exception in Trade Policy 38 Va. J. Int'l L. 689 (1998)
The NAFTA Environmental Side Agreement: Implications for Environmental Cooperation, Trade Policy, and American Treatymaking 8 Temp. Int'l & Comp. L.J. 257 (1994)




Juscelino Colares


Title Citation
Alternative Methods of Appellate Review in Trade Remedy Cases: Examining Results of U.S. Judicial and NAFTA Binational Review of U.S. Agency Decisions from 1989 to 2005 Published in Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Volume 5, Issue 1, 171-196, March 2008
A Positive Theory of WTO Adjudication SIEL Working Paper No. 39/08, July 2008
The Limits of WTO Adjudication: Is Compliance the Problem? Case Research Paper Series in Legal Studies Working Paper 2012-13 April, 2012




Youri Devuyst


Title Citation
The World Trade Organization and Regional Trade Agreements: Bridging the Constitutional Credibility Gap
(co-authored by Asja Serdarevic)
18 Duke J. Comp. & Int'l L. 1 (2007)




Daniel Drache


Title Citation
Deadlock in the Doha Round: The Long Decline of Trade Multilateralism
(co-authored by Marc D. Froese)
Draft from July 2007




Jeff Dunoff


Title Citation
Institutional Misfits: The GATT, the ICJ & Trade-Environment Disputes 15 Mich. J. Int'l L. 1043 (Summer 1994)
Reconciling International Trade with Preservation of the Global Commons:
Can We Prosper and Protect
49 Wash & Lee L. Rev. 1407 (Fall 1992)




Jim Durling


Title Citation

Original Meanings and the Film Dispute: The Drafting History, Textual Evolution, and Application of the Non-Violation Nullification or Impairment Remedy
(co-authored by Simon Lester)

32 Geo. Wash. J. Int'l L. & Econ. 211 (1999)




Mary Footer


Title Citation
EC - Asbestos: The World Trade Organization on Trial for its Handling of Occupational Health and Safety Issues
(co-authored by Saman Zia-Zarifi)
Melbourne Journal of International Law, Volume 3(1), May 2002



Henry Gao


Title Citation
Aggressive Legalism: The East Asian Experience and Lessons for China China’s Participation in the WTO (Henry Gao and Donald Lewis, eds.) (London, Cameron May Publishers, 2005) at 315-351




Kevin R. Gray


Title Citation
Civil Society and the World Trade Organization Toward Inclusion and Influence in Sustainable Development Governance (Jessica F. Green & W. Bradnee Chambers) (Tokyo and New York: UNU Press, Forthcoming)
Accommodating MEAs in Trade Agreements IDDRI conference on International Environmental Governance,
Paris, March 15 & 16, 2004
Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the WTO
(co-authored by Duncan Brack)
The Royal Institute of International Affairs Sustainable Development Programme report (September 2003)
Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Impacts - Is the Debate Over? RECIEL 11 (3) 2002
(This is an electronic version of an article published in Review of European Community and International Environmental Law: complete citation information for the final version of the paper, as published in the print edition of Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, is available on the Blackwell Synergy online delivery service, accessible via the journal's website at or
Controlling the International Trade in Illegally Logged Timber and Wood Products
(co-authored by Duncan Brack and Gavin Hayman)
The Royal Institute of International Affairs Sustainable Development Programme: study prepared for the UK Department for International Development (February 2002)
Principles of International Law in the WTO Dispute Settlement Body
(co-authored by James Cameron)
50 Int. and Comparative Law Quarterly 2 (2001) at 248-298





Rachel Harris


Title Citation

GATT Article XX and Human Rights: What Do We Know From the First 20 Years?

16 Melbourne Journal of International Law 2 (2015)






Robert Howse


Title Citation
 India’s WTO Challenge to Drug Enforcement Conditions in the European Community Generalized System of Preferences: A Little Known Case with Major Repercussions for “Political” Conditionality in US Trade Policy 4 Chicago J. Int'l L. 385 (2003)

The WTO Impact on Internal Regulations --
A Case Study of the Canada–EC Asbestos Dispute

(co-authored by Elisabeth Tuerk)

The EU and the WTO: Legal and Constitutional Issues (Gráinne de Búrca and Joanne Scott, eds.) (Hart Publishing, 2002) at 283-328
From Politics to Technocracy -- and Back Again:
The Fate of the Multilateral Trading Regime
96 AJIL 94 (2002)
The Appellate Body Rulings in the Shrimp/Turtle Case:
A New Legal Baseline for the Trade and Environment Debate
27 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 491 (2002)
Europe's Evolving Regulatory Strategy for GMOs -
The Issue of Consistency with WTO Law: Of Kine and Brine

(co-authored by Petros Mavroidis)
24 Fordham Int'l L.J. 317 (2000)

Democracy, Science, and Free Trade:
Risk Regulation on Trial at the World Trade Organization

98 Mich. L. Rev. 2329 (2000)
The World Trade Organization and the Protection of Workers' Rights 3 J. Small & Emerging Bus. L. 131 (1999)




Robert Hudec


Title Citation
"Like Product": The Differences in Meaning in GATT Articles I and III Regulatory Barriers and the Principle of Non-Discrimination in World Trade Law (Thomas Cottier & Petros Mavroidis, eds.) (University of Michigan Press 2000) at 101-123
Broadening the Scope of Remedies in WTO Dispute Settlement Improving WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures (Friedl Weiss & Jochem Wiers, eds.) (London, Cameron May Publishers, 2000) at 345-376
The Role of the GATT Secretariat in the Evolution of the WTO Dispute Settlement Procedure

The Uruguay Round and Beyond: Essays in Honour of Arthur Dunkel (Jagdish Bhagwati and Mathias Hirsch, eds.) (Springer-Verlag, 1998) at 101-120

GATT/WTO Constraints on National Regulation:
Requiem for an "Aim and Effects" Test
32 International Lawyer 619-649 (1998)
The DISC Case Originally published as "Reforming GATT Adjudication Procedures: The Lessons of the DISC Case," 72 Minnesota Law Review 1443-1509 (1988).  The text provided here is taken from Chapter V of the author's Enforcing International Trade Law: The Evolution of the Modern GATT Legal System (Butterworths, USA, 1993)




John Jackson


Title Citation
Fragmentation or Unification among International Institutions:
The World Trade Organization
31 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 823 (1999)

The Great 1994 Sovereignty Debate:
United States Acceptance and Implementation of the Uruguay Round Results

36 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 157 (1997)
The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding -- Misunderstandings on the Nature of Legal Obligation 91 AJIL 60 (January, 1997)
WTO Dispute Procedures, Standard of Review,
and Deference to National Governments
(co-authored by Steven P. Croley)
90 AJIL 193 (April, 1996)
World Trade Rules and Environmental Policies: Congruence or Conflict? 49 Wash & Lee L. Rev. 1227 (Fall 1992)
Status of Treaties in Domestic Legal Systems: A Policy Analysis 86 AJIL 310 (April, 1992)
Perspectives on the Jurisprudence of International Trade: Costs and Benefits of Legal Procedures in the United States 82 Mich. L. Rev. 1570 (1984)




Norio Komuro


Title Citation

Japan's Generalized System of Preferences: An Oriental Pandora’s Box

Paper from Symposium entitled "Preference Erosion: Impacts and Policy Responses," Geneva, June 2005




Simon Lacey


Title Citation

The View from the Other Side of the Table:
WTO Accession from the Perspective of WTO Members

Prepared for the Islamic Development Bank's Seminar on WTO Accession Issues for selected OIC Member Countries, on 28 - 29 March 2006, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia




Simon Lester


Title Citation
The Role of the International Trade Regime in Global Governance UCLA J. Int'l L. Foreign Aff. 209 (2011)
Case Note: United States - Final Anti-Dumping Measures on Stainless Steel from Mexico Draft of version published in 102 AJIL 4 (October 2008)
Aid for More than Just Trade:
The Case for a Role for the WTO in Development Aid
30 UNSW Law Journal 2 (2007)
Case Note: European Communities - Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products Draft of version published in 101 AJIL 2 (April 2007)

Original Meanings and the Film Dispute: The Drafting History, Textual Evolution, and Application of the Non-Violation Nullification or Impairment Remedy
(co-authored by Jim Durling)

32 Geo. Wash. J. Int'l L. & Econ. 211 (1999)




C. L. Lim


Title Citation

Free Trade Agreements in Asia and Some Common Legal Problems

This chapter is part of Y. Taniguchi, A. Yanovich, and J. Bohanes (eds), The WTO in the Twenty- first Century: Dispute Settlement, Negotiations, and Regionalism in Asia (Cambridge University Press, 2007)
A Mega Jumbo Jet: Southeast Asia’s Experiments with Trade and Investment Liberalisation This chapter is part of "The New International Architecture in Trade and Investment - Current Status and Implications" (APEC#207-HR-01.2), Copyright APEC Secretariat,




Nicolas Lockhart


Title Citation

Regional Trade Agreements under GATT 1994: An Exception and its Limits
(co-authored by Andrew Mitchell)

Challenges and Prospects for the WTO (Andrew Mitchell, ed.) (London, Cameron May Publishers, 2005) at 217-252




Patrick Macrory


Title Citation

NAFTA Chapter 19: A Successful Experiment in International Trade Dispute Resolution

C.D. Howe Institute Commentary, No. 168, September 2002




John Magnus


Title Citation
Chinese Subsidies and US Responses Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission,
Hearing on China’s World Trade Organization Compliance: Industrial Subsidies and The Impact on US and World Markets,
Washington, DC,
April 5, 2006
Lumber and the NAFTA Chapter 19 Mess Presented to American University, Washington College of Law Conference,
Lessons from NAFTA Part I: The Softwood Lumber Dispute
Washington, DC
February 27, 2006

Legal Issues in the Aircraft Subsidies Dispute

Presented to American Enterprise Institute Conference titled
Boeing vs. Airbus: An Examination of the Issues
March 16, 2005, Washington, DC




Stuart Malawer


Title Citation
Biden, National Security, Law & Global Trade: Less Subterfuge & More Strategy in the New Era of Crisis China & WTO Rev. 2021:1; 185-198
Trump, Recent Court Cases and the 2020 Presidential Election China & WTO Rev. 2020:2; 407-416
Trump and Trade - Policy and Law  
Trump, Litigation, and Threats: From Queens to the World Stage China & WTO Rev. 2020:1; 209-222
Trump, Trade and National Security: Will Federal Courts Rein in the President? China & WTO Rev. 2019:2; 417-428
Three Trade Cases To Rein in Trump's Tariffs Richmond Times Dispatch, June 17, 2019
Pending Section 232 Litigation and Broader Trade Trends: Will the US Courts Restrict Presidential Authority from Relying Upon "National Security"? China & WTO Rev. 2019:1
Trump's Tariff Wars and National Security: A Political and Historical Perspective China & WTO Rev. 2018:2; 351-362
Trump, Trade, and National Security - Blowing up the WTO?  
Trump's China Trade Policies: Threats and Constraints China & WTO Rev. 2017:1; 109-120
Obama, WTO Trade Enforcement, and China China & WTO Rev. 2016:2; 361-368
U.S. Trade Enforcement, the WTO, and China Richmond Times-Dispatch, June 16, 2016
Looking at Dispute Resolution in the Trans-Pacific Partnership New York Law Journal (Vol. 254, No. 109, 2015)
Chinese Economic Cyber Espionage: U.S. Litigation in the WTO and Other Diplomatic Remedies Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (Summer 2015)
Confronting Chinese Economic Cyber Espionage With WTO Litigation New York Law Journal (Vol. 252, No. 120, 2014)
U.S-China Litigation in the World Trade Organization New York Law Journal (Vol. 250, No. 31, Page 5, 2013)
United States-China WTO Litigation (2001-2010)  Virginia Lawyer (2010)
United States-China Trade Litigation in the WTO  56 Virginia Lawyer (No. 5 December 2007)
Litigation & Consultation in the WTO -- 10th Anniversary Review  54 Virginia Lawyer 32 (No. 1 June / July 2005)

Agricultural Biotechnology and WTO Litigation:
The U.S. Should Drop the GMO Case

Legal Times (July 2003)
The U.S. & the WTO -- Lessons Learned from Trade Litigation & Global Governance   51 Virginia Lawyer 12 (No. 9 April 2003)
Global Governance of E-commerce and Internet Trade: Recent Developments   Virginia Lawyer (June / July 2001)
Internet Commerce and Trade Policy  Virginia Lawyer (June / July 1999)




Mitsuo Matsushita


Title Citation

Legal Aspects of Free Trade Agreements:
In the Context of Article XXIV of the GATT 1994

WTO and East Asia: New Perspectives (Mitsuo Matsushita and Dukgeun Ahn, eds.) (London, Cameron May Publishers, 2004) at 497-514

International Cooperation in the Enforcement of Competition Policy

1 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 462 (2002)




Petros Mavroidis


Title Citation

Amicus Curiae Briefs Before The WTO:
Much Ado About Nothing

Jean Monnet Working Paper No. 2/01 (2001)
(also published in:
European Integration and International Co-ordination: Studies in Transnational Economic Law in Honour of Claus-Dieter Ehlermann (Armin von Bogdandy, Petros C. Mavroidis, Yves Meny, eds.)(Kluwer, 2002))
Europe's Evolving Regulatory Strategy for GMOs -
The Issue of Consistency with WTO Law: Of Kine and Brine

(co-authored by Rob Howse)
24 Fordham Int'l L.J. 317 (2000)




Bryan Mercurio


Title Citation
Expanding Democracy: Why Australia Should Negotiate for Open and Transparent Dispute Settlement in its Free Trade Agreements
(co-authored by Rebecca Laforgia)
6 Melbourne Journal of International Law 485 (2005)
Should Australia Continue Negotiating Bilateral Free Trade Agreements?
A Practical Analysis
27 UNSW Law Journal 667 (2004)

TRIPS, Patents, and Access to Life-Saving Drugs in the Developing World

8 Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 211 (2004)




Andrew Mitchell


Title Citation
Good Faith in WTO Dispute Settlement 7 Melbourne Journal of International Law 339 (2006)

Regional Trade Agreements under GATT 1994: An Exception and its Limits
(co-authored by Nicolas Lockhart)

Challenges and Prospects for the WTO (Andrew Mitchell, ed.) (London, Cameron May Publishers, 2005) at 217-252





Gillian Moon


Title Citation

GATT Article XX and Human Rights: What Do We Know From the First 20 Years?

16 Melbourne Journal of International Law 2 (2015)





Victor Mosoti


Title Citation

Africa in the First Decade of WTO Dispute Settlement

Draft paper from October 2005 submitted to the JIEL




Joost Pauwelyn


Title Citation
The Limits of Litigation: “Americanization” and
Negotiation in the Settlement of WTO Disputes
Reprinted with the permission of Joost Pauwelyn and the Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution.  Originally published at 19 OHIO ST. J. ON DISP. RESOL. 121 (2003)
The Role of Public International Law in the WTO:
How Far Can We Go?
95 AJIL 535 (2001)
Enforcement and Countermeasures in the WTO:
Rules are Rules - Toward a More Collective Approach
94 AJIL 335 (2000)




Oren Perez


Title Citation
The New Universe of Green Finance: From Self-Regulation to Multi-Polar Governance
(from the SSRN web site)
Bar Ilan Univ. Pub Law Working Paper No. 1-07,
RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS: SELF-GOVERNANCE IN TRANSNATIONAL ECONOMIC TRANSACTIONS, Olaf Dilling, Martin Herberg & Gerd Winter, eds., Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2007
Facing the Global Hydra: Ecological Transformation at the Global Financial Frontier - The Ambitious Case of the Global Reporting Initiative
(from the SSRN web site)
December 2006. Available at SSRN:
Anomalies at the Precautionary Kingdom: Reflections on the GMO Panel's Decision
(from the SSRN web site)
Hebrew University International Law Research Paper No. 13-06, October 30, 2006
Multiple Regimes, Issue Linkage and International Cooperation:
Exploring the Role of the WTO
University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law, Spring 2006
The Many Faces of the Trade-Environment Conflict:
Some Lessons for the Constitutionalization Project
European Integration online Papers (EIoP) Vol. 6 (2002) No. 11
Using Private-Public Linkages to Regulate Environmental Conflicts:
The Case of International Construction Contracts
Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 77-110, March 2002




Fernando Piérola


Title Citation
The Question of Remand Authority for the Appellate Body Challenges and Prospects for the WTO (Andrew Mitchell, ed.) (London, Cameron May Publishers, 2005) at 193-215




Julia Qin


Title Citation
Defining Nondiscrimination under the Law of the World Trade Organization Boston University International Law Journal, Vol, 23, pp. 215-297 (2005)
“WTO-Plus” Obligations and Their Implications for the World Trade Organization Legal System Journal of World Trade, Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 483–522 (2003)




Gregory Shaffer


Title Citation
The Challenges of WTO Law: Strategies for Developing Country Adaptation For conference entitled "The WTO at 10: The Role of Developing Countries in Negotiations and Dispute Settlement," Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 11-13, 2006
Institutional Choice in the General System of Preferences Case: Who Decides the Conditions for Trade Preferences? The Law and Politics of Rights
(co-authored by Yvonne Apea)
Earlier version published in Journal of World Trade, vol. 39:5, pp. 977-1008 (Dec. 2005)
Transnational Mutual Recognition Regimes: Governance without Global Government
(co-authored by Kalypso Nicolaidis)
68 Law and Contemporary Problems 263 (2005)
The World Trade Organization under Challenge: Democracy and the Law and Politics of the WTO’s Treatment of Trade and Environment Matters Final version published in
25 Harvard Environmental Law Review 1-93 (Winter 2001)
WTO Blue-Green Blues: The Impact of U.S. Domestic Politics on Trade-Labor, Trade-Environment Linkages for the WTO's Future Final version published in Fordham International Law Journal 608-651 (Nov.-Dec. 2000)
Globalization and Social Protection: The Impact of EU and International Rules in the Ratcheting up of U.S. Data Privacy Standards Final version published in 25 Yale Journal of International Law 1-88 (Winter 2000)




Fiona Smith


Title Citation
A Distinction Without a Difference: Exploring the Boundary Between Goods and Services in The World Trade Organization and The European Union
(co-authored by Lorna Woods)
12 Colum. J. Eur. L. 1 (Winter 2005-2006)




Joel Trachtman


Title Citation
Institutional Linkage: Transcending "Trade and ..." 96 AJIL 77 (2002)
The Domain of WTO Dispute Resolution 40 Harv. Int'l L.J. 333 (1999)
The International Economic Law Revolution 17 U. Pa. J. Int'l Econ. L. 33 (1996)
International Regulatory Competition, Externalization, and Jurisdiction 34 Harv. Int'l L.J. 47 (1993)




Peter Van den Bossche


Title Citation
WTO Rules on Technical Barriers to Trade
 (co-authored by Denise Prévost and Mariëlle Matthee)
Maastricht Faculty of Law Working Paper 2005/6
From Afterthought to Centerpiece:
The WTO Appellate Body and its Rise to Prominence
in the World Trading System
Maastricht Faculty of Law Working Paper 2005/1
The Doha Development Round Negotiations
on the Dispute Settlement Understanding
Paper presented at WTO Conference titled
New Agendas in the 21st Century,
Taipei, November 28-29, 2003




Tania Voon


Title Citation
A New Approach to Audiovisual Products in the WTO:
Rebalancing GATT and GATS
Originally published in 14 UCLA Ent. L. Rev. 1 (2007)
UNESCO and the WTO:
A Clash of Cultures?
This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF. The definitive publisher-authenticated version ‘UNESCO and the WTO: A Clash of Cultures?’ (2006) 55(3) International and Comparative Law Quarterly 635 is available online at
The Facts Aside: The Limitation of WTO Appeals to Issues of Law
(co-authored by Alan Yanovich)
40 Journal of World Trade 2, 239-258 (2006)

What is the Measure at Issue?
(co-authored by Alan Yanovich)

Challenges and Prospects for the WTO (Andrew Mitchell, ed.) (London, Cameron May Publishers, 2005) at 115-163



Robert Wolfe


Title Citation
See You in Geneva? Pluralism and Centralism in Legal Representations of the Trading System Revised version (April 2004) of a conference paper
originally presented to the International Studies Association
and the Canadian Law and Economics Association;
later published in
European Journal of International Relations,
Vol. 11, No. 3, 339-365 (2005)



Gudrun Zagel


Title Citation
WTO & Human Rights:
Examining Linkages and Suggesting Convergence
IDLO Voices of Development Jurists Paper Series
Vol. 2. No. 2, 2005



Thomas Zimmermann


Title Citation
WTO Dispute Settlement - General Appreciation and the Role of India In K. Padmaja (ed.): WTO and Dispute Resolution, Hyderabad (India): The ICFAI University Press, pp. 147-201 (2007)
Negotiating the Review of the WTO
Dispute Settlement Understanding
Cameron May (2006)
The DSU Review (1998-2004): Negotiations, Problems and Perspectives In Kim van der Borght and Dencho Georgiev: Reform and Development of the WTO Dispute Settlement System, pp. 443-472; London: Cameron May (2006)
WTO Dispute Settlement at Ten: Evolution, Experiences, and Evaluation Aussenwirtschaft – The Swiss Review of International
Economic Relations
, Vol. 60 (2005), No. I, pp. 27-61