Miscellaneous WTO Arbitrations
The decisions provided on this page consist of all miscellaneous arbitration awards circulated to WTO Members. The list is updated immediately after each new decision is circulated.
These awards are published in their officially paginated format by Cambridge University Press in the Dispute Settlement Reports (DSRs). The DSR citations are provided in the table (with the exception of recently circulated awards which have not yet been published).
Miscellaneous WTO Arbitration Awards
Dispute Name |
Parties |
Document Number |
DSR Citation | Arbitrators |
Circulation Date |
Second ACP-EC Partnership Arbitration ("Banana Tariffs") | Arbitration Requested by the European Communities, with Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Venezuela as the other Parties | WT/L/625 | DSR 2005:XXIII, 11701 |
John Weekes, John Lockhart, Yasuhei Taniguchi |
October 27, 2005 |
ACP-EC Partnership Arbitration ("Banana Tariffs") |
Arbitration Requested by Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Venezuela, with the European Communities as the other Party | WT/L/616 | DSR 2005:XXIII, 11667 |
John Weekes, John Lockhart, Yasuhei Taniguchi |
August 1, 2005 |